Friday, January 15, 2010

You ask, "Why the silence?"
I say, "What do I speak about when everything is already obvious?"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009- The year that rocked


Graduated with flying colors, stepped into post graduation. Chose a stream the majority of my friends and family disapproved.

Made friends, strengthened relationships with old ones, got de-addicted to one crush, got crushed on something new. Found my soul-twin. Best friends and myself- all move on to new paths.

Read loads of books, watched several real-good movies, discovered quite a wide range of amazing music.
Had cable tv for 4 months [yeah, aside those months-I'm living sans-cable tv life] during which fell in love with "So You Think You Can Dance". and "90210" and many other series.

Launched a new blog. Learnt driving cars. Photograph collection of friends crossed the 5000 mark. =)

Got my first phone, about to celebrate the first b'day of it!

Went on a  brother-sister road trip.

Had my 21st birthday, which I didn't make a big deal of.  Had the second bloggiversary.

Friends got married, another had her first baby, I remain SINGLE and EXTREMELY HAPPY for that reason! Some of my best girl-friends go double. ;)

Might do a post on the best movies, books and music I came across in 2009 in next post.
'Til then, have fun, live, laugh and make others laugh.

Happy new year!!!!!