This is an extremely small post. I just wanted to express my liking for the Bolly celebs' deeds.
I like the fact that such popular actors like Aamir, John, plus a handful of the fresh Bolly talents like Asin, Abhishek, Imran all are campaigning actively on the necessity of exercising your power through voting for the right person.
So tomorrow when you go and make your decision,
make sure you've made the vote for a better and more united India. Make sure you didn't vote for goons.
PS- There was this suggestion made by a reader to the "Letters to the Editor" in "The Hindu".
Why not include a "none of the above" option along with the names of the candidates, so that if the number of "none of the above"s is very high, we can have a re-election with new candidates since none of the early candidates have any desired qualities.
Do you agree with me?
the letter was gr8!
can't agree more..
i dont actually . coz 'none of the above' is the option that many of us choose by not voting , that didnt do great good did it?
but that was cool of you to raise such a question .:)
There's a lot more awareness this time around regarding the elections. The endless terror attacks have finally jolted the people to get out and vote!! If you don't vote, don't complain.
Ah... great suggestion !!!!
i totally agree with you... but then I think with all the celebs and the hoopla about voting, the govt should make efforts to actually register first time voters...
I and so many of my other friends are first time voters and we registered online but did not get to vote because our application was not completely processed !
@ matangi- yep. that letter totally hit me like lightning. it's so sincere and a thoughtful effort!
@-truth- thats not ryt truth, cos when we abstain from voting we dont mk any effect. when we go and were choosing a "none of the above" option, the number of "none of the abov" votes wud count down to something.
@ random- even with that amt of awareness bcos of the terror seige, how come it hasnt translated to higher voter turnover in north india? its a pity.
@ blue- that's sad!
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